Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Research Project

     Although people with power claim to care for the children of the world, they haven’t really done much with all their power to stop the various countries that continue to “acquire” the labor of small helpless children. The forced labor of children is not only in far away countries, nor is it just some little thing to brush off, with the thought that it’s not my kids or I don't know them so it's okay. No, it is not ever acceptable to force a small helpless child to do the work of an adult for barely pennies a day! The treatment of these kids is not only scaring, scary, and can cause physical harm to said children, but it has also cost the lives of many young lives. 
    Some of the worst countries, or better yet most well known for the use and abuse of the child labor forces are as follows: Mali, Bhutan, Burundi, Uganda, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Nepal, Rwanda, and Kenya. This is not the full list of countries that use child labor they are just some of the worse ones. It is honestly sickening to think of the amount of children that are put through that life style. There are many more countries that are all over the place that I am sure you can easily think of however; just the fact that the list of countries that use child labor is that long is horrid. With all this power that we have in the United States we have still not gotten around to helping these kids. They are someone’s babies to and deserve a good, fulfilling life too. Just as the children on Tualatin High School do, there are so many other ways that we as a world can get the products that we claim to "need" so damn desperately that we are willing to sacrifice an innocent child's life to get what we want. This is honestly completely horrendous. The amount of children that are affected by child labor is over 250million children. The number of children laborers is unacceptable! This number needs to be dropped significantly and soon, otherwise we are going to end up demolishing the next generation of a race or culture, by not only working these kids to the bone, but also by the amount or should I say complete disregard for their lives and safety. All over the world at any given time there is a child somewhere working for only pennies a day, without clean water and good food to keep them healthy, or a safe place to rest there little heads for the night. We need to step up as a country and put an end to child labor, there is no reason that an adult person can’t work the job that you just had a 5 year old little girl was doing. Not only would this improve the economy of the country you are in by giving new jobs to people, you are also sparing that little girls life.
   If you happened to notice where most of the countries on the list above are located they are mostly all in Africa. This is not saying that Africa is a horrible place nor has bad people; however as a continent that seem to have the most problems with child labor. In Africa it is a well known fact that there are many places that have never had clean drinking water or good nutrient rich food. This is not only impacting the children that are being forced to work it is also causing those same kids to be overworked in an unsafe environment and be malnourished while doing this hard labor. Between unsafe conditions, little to no pay, and very scarce clean drinking water, that could help keep them hydrated and healthier than they normally would be; it doesn’t seem like somewhere that would ever be suitable for a child to “work” let alone an adult for that matter.
  Think about it this way, would you want to be the person or have your child be doing the work that the children are being forced to do in these other countries? Is it really worth just turning a blind eye too? I think not! I believe every child should have a warm hug and kiss from their mom and dad every night before they go to bed, I believe that every kid should have a clean safe household to go to and call it their “home”, I believe that every single kid in this world should be able to have a future that is as big and amazing as the stars in the night sky. The children that have to go through this monstrosity are honestly some of the strongest children that I have ever heard of. They have the strength to get up every morning even if they have nothing to look forward to but doing the labor that the person in charge says they have to do that day. These kids not only deserve a better life full of freedom and love. They have well earned it with how much each and every one of them has gone through.